Monday, June 24, 2019

Teaching Young Children, Pt. VIII – Rhythms

In the previous month’s post I discussed having young students play using the open strings G and D. Additionally, students were then introduced to reading these strings on the music staff with notation. This month we’ll move further into reading music by introducing quarter and eighth note rhythms.

One of the best ways to introduce students to reading music is through identifying first have them be able to identify/count quarter and eighth note rhythms. The teacher can have students play various rhythmic combinations using quarter and eighth note rhythms on a single string. However, there is no need to yet introduce reading notes on the staff; students should play single string rhythms. Moreover, the teacher should create their own patterns for students to practice with.

When introducing rhythms the teacher should help young students become acquainted with the concept of counting (ex. one and two and); it is important to note that at this point students be only counting in 2/4 time. Moreover, students should be specifically reading eighth notes in groups of four (the reason why will be apparent in future posts).