Monday, August 31, 2020

Movable Power Chords, pt. V - Familiarity

For the last several posts I have discussed "Movable Power Chords". These are two note chords made from the root and 5th which are neither major nor minor (a result of the absence of the 3rd). Specifically, I have covered power chords which are rooted on the 6th string. 

There are several ways that students can get familiar with power chords on the guitar neck.

  1. Exercises - specified exercises designed by the teacher to help students learn power chord positions. For example, shifting between "natural" chords only (A, G, F, etc...) or accidentals (F#, G#, A#, etc...).
  2. Chord Progressions - applying I IV V progressions (such as a 12 Bar Blues) will not only help develop the ear to certain chord progressions, students will learn to navigate the neck vertically on a single string.
  3. Riffs/Songs - The teacher can make a list of riffs and/or songs which utilize specific power chords. For example, a riff that uses power chords only on the 6th string (or later 5th or 4th string).

If you know of any other ways to get students knowing their way around power chords, let me know and I'll add them to the list!