Sunday, September 27, 2020

Movable Power Chords, pt. VI – Shuffle Rhythm

 In a post many moons ago I discussed applying a shuffle rhythm to open power chords. A shuffle rhythm is a “feel” specific to the blues in which the written eighth note rhythm is played more like that of a triplet.

For the purpose of this post we will be apply the shuffle rhythm to closed power chords on the 6th string. Power chords (as we know from a prior post) make use of the Root and 5th of the key and are neither major nor minor as they have no 3rd.

When applying a shuffle rhythm to closed power chords the pinky expand up two frets to reach the “shuffle note” or 6th note in the key. The example below uses a B5 power chord (B – root, F# - 5th), however the shuffle note played by the pinky will be a G# or the 6th note in the key of B.

 Next month we’ll get into applying this new skill.