Friday, October 1, 2021

Basic Techniques, pt. 4 – Palm Muting

In July I began a series of posts on basic techniques beginning players can use when they are first learning to solo as well as use in their rhythm playing. This month I discuss the technique of palm muting and how to apply it to chords as well as single notes.

If you are unfamiliar with the term “palm muting” it is the act of placing the edge of your picking hand lightly on the strings at the edge of the bridge in order to dampen tor “mute” the strings. The hand does not need to cover all strings, rather just those that need to be muted. Additionally, the player does not need to apply a great deal of pressure on the strings.

Look at the pictures below to gauge where the palm of your hand should be in relation to the bridge and strings.

Try applying a palm mute to an E5 power chord (see below). First, make the chord and play it without muting. Then, apply your hand to the strings and try to muting the strings – watch the video to see how to place your hand and hear how a palm mute should sound.

Have students practice placing the edge of the palm down on various power chords and full chords. It may take numerous attempts until they are able to do it 
"at will". Also, learn songs or chord progressions that utilize palm muting technique will go a long way to mastering it. 

Next month we’ll be talking about single string palm mutes!