As I posted in the first installment of this series I introduce movable power chords to students which are played on the 6th string. This month I’ll discuss one of the most wonderful aspects about the power chord which is the ability to take this single shape and move it to a different location to create a new chord!
The root (or main note) of the chord can be found in the 1st finger. For example, in an F5 chord the 1st finger plays the note “F” which is on the 1st fret of the 6th string (indicated by the white circle) – hence, an “F5” power chord. Likewise, in a “G5” the 1st finger plays the note “G” which is on the 3rd fret of the 6th string. Keep in mind as the chord pattern moves up the neck the root of the chord will remain in the 1st finger as in the “A5” chord – 1st finger plays the note “A” which is on the 5th fret of the 6th string. Furthermore, make sure to note when looking at chord diagrams which are placed on higher frets, the diagram will indicate what fret the chord is played at.
Next time I'll discuss how to practice these chords!
Next time I'll discuss how to practice these chords!